Energy and Healthcare Supply Chain Logistics Professionals
Founded in 2019, M.W. Energy Logistics LLC (“MWELL”) is an energy and healthcare logistics company focused on the oil & gas, renewable energy and healthcare sectors managed by international energy sector experts and healthcare professionals based in the United States. Our professional services and technology platforms maximize resources to enable long term infrastructure growth for on-shore and off-shore logistics, as well as, to drive supply-based logistics support and management globally.
We leverage the latest technology applications from artificial intelligence to 3D printing manufacturing, blockchain real-time inventory tracking, and other logistics platforms, to ensure your organization logistics strategy is successful. With over forty years of experience in Oil and Gas, Clean Energy Sectors, and Healthcare, we provide best in class solutions.
We are committed to create an environment of inclusivity, health and safety as part of our corporate culture strategic pillars. We also look to collaborate, partner, and provide opportunities for other businesses in the United States and abroad.
Available Services
Acquire, analyze, manage and execute processes for proper material handling and inventory management.
Coordinate, report and investigate discrepancies in various areas of the Supply Chain.
Monitor and serve as the single point of contact to mitigate discrepancies and apply the proper governance to ensure proper standard operating procedures are followed for the movement of shipments and material handling.
M.W. Energy Logistics LLC provides digital supply chain logistics, transport services and the technology personnel in order to create a scalable infrastructure to manage the Oil & Gas Industry, Renewable Energy Sectors, and Healthcare supply chain management for governments, local and multi-national organizations.
There is also a technical aspect that distinguishes MWELL from the competition by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain Supply Chain Logistics, 3D Printing Manufacturing, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with satellite tracking, aviation drone technology, and green energy infrastructure applications with emphasis on the efficient logistics process approach to ensure the right products are delivered on a timely basis.
Our process allows for better infrastructure management with our logistics experts working together with the assistance of our Logistics Artificial Intelligence (LAI) to improve organizational efficiencies and establish competitive advantage.
Goals & Objectives
M.W. Energy Logistics LLC (“MWELL”) solves logistics problems for companies and governments across the globe and across industries, from the simple to the most complex as it pertains to the Energy and Healthcare Industries.
Introductory Consultation
The collaborative atmosphere of MWELL as a trusted partner for both the country government agencies and the multinational companies to establish the foundation for manageable country growth and increase corporate revenues. The approach to improve processes, the advanced technology leveraged, and the expertise from decades of experience is not found in any other company. We provide the infrastructure to quickly identify issues in the supply chain, minimize risk in order to execute your company's logistics strategy.
M.W. Energy Logistics Culture
M.W. Energy Logistics LLC would like to improve and enhance the lives of citizens where we operate either domestically or in our international branches become more proficient in our services through trainings and mentorships, and partner with government officials to support our organization goals and objectives to build the necessary infrastructure for continued growth and prosperity for their country.
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